A farmhouse favourite, these delicious baby dills require no processing. As for restraint… good luck with that.
10 cups water
- 1/2 cup pickling salt
- 1/4 cup pickling vinegar
- 5 cloves garlic, peeled
- 1 handful of fresh dill, not chopped
- Enough baby cukes and carrots to fill a gallon jar
- Add the water and vinegar to a very large pot, and stir in the pickling salt until dissolved.
- Place the pot over high heat, and bring to a boil.
- Remove from heat.
- Place the dill and garlic in the bottom of a freshly washed gallon jar that has a lid (we used a glass cookie jar).
- Scrub the cukes, peel and trim the carrots and pack them in the jar.
- Carefully pour in the hot brine to cover.
- Pop on the lid, and place the jar on the counter (out of direct sun) for 1 week. Remove the lid, and taste.
- If you’d like a more sour pickle, leave them on the counter an extra week. If perfect, place them in the fridge to enjoy.