March, 2022
What you should know about your rights during the pandemic The number of patrons beating a path to the door of Healthy… Read
Riding in a winter wonderland Ken Dobush likes to make hay while the sun is still shining, so to speak. But it’s… Read
Baking and snacking options to wait out winter The trees are bare, the darkness is moving in and the temperatures are dropping.… Read
This time last year, we heard two mantras frequently punctuate the seasonal din. The first was that profound refrain of “Peace on Earth, goodwill to men and women,” a welcome statement during the holidays. The second, “We’re all in this together,” tried to placate fears of the pandemic but has since been eroded by divisive opinions on everything from masks and social distancing to quarantines and vaccines.
That’s why our feature examines the social and legal aspects of the coronavirus’s effect on us from municipal and provincial directives to the Constitution. We’ll try to sort through all the confusion on page 8.
Lately, we’ve witnessed the emergence of minorities seeking empowerment and wanting to tell their stories to the world. Since February’s Black History Month is a great enabler for visibility, we thought we’d talk to the African and African Descendent Friendship Club of St. Albert about their plans for the event on page 28.
We also haven’t forgotten the essence of what this time of year brings, however. You’ll find plenty of options that include gift items (page 22), snacks (page 16), a festival in Bon Accord (page 26) and an uprising business specializing in knitted apparel and toys (page 11). And since winter also means hockey, we present a nostalgic look at a regional legacy that answered to both the Mets and the Saints (page 24).
In the meantime, stay warm, stay comfortable and stay safe. And hopefully all that goodwill and pleas for togetherness will manifest themselves to make this a season we will fondly remember.