Holiday 2020

January, 2021



Holiday Driving Safety

Pandemic Passenger Will COVID-19 factor into road safety during the holiday season? It goes without saying that Yuletide celebrations will be a… Read



Mezos Roastery

The first record of nuts in the human diet can be traced back to over 780,000 years ago, according to archeologists who… Read



Holiday Mixtures and Cocktails

It has been−and will continue to be−a different world than what most of us have experienced before. We are staying in more,… Read


To take liberties with an old Christmas classic, ’Tis the season to be wary, although we can still find several ways to safely enjoy this holiday season. That includes social gatherings during a pandemic now in its second wave. For those hosting these events and others invited to them, we exercise caution, not only in terms of your health, but also your safety in getting there and back. Our feature on page 6 examines links between the pandemic and impaired driving: a sobering perspective worth thinking about.

This issuRob Lightfoot's mugshote also pays tribute to a couple enterprising people. One of them is Kentia Naud, a doctor who found therapeutic relief and a revenue stream through pottery (page 9). The other is food blogger Karlynn Johnston, whose notoriety skyrockets via a series of cookbooks (page 26). I’m sure you’ll agree they’re stories are nothing short of inspirational.

And what would Christmas be without food? For starters, we offer a few cocktail recipes to take the bite out of the winter chill (page 17) and several gift ideas to whet the appetite of their recipients (page 14). 

For others with nuts on the brain, check out our profile on Mezos Roastery (page 24). And we’d be remiss if we didn’t include some other food for thought of a different variety, namely our look at the growth of Paul Kane High School (Page 22).

With all that, here’s hoping we help keep you occupied throughout the winter months. On that note, happy holidays, everyone, and stay safe.