June 2019

May, 2019


Rob Lightfoot's mugshotSynchronize your watches, everyone, and keep your eye on the clock on June 21 at precisely 9:54 a.m. That’s when we welcome the arrival of not only the longest day of the year, but the official launch of summer. In turn, we have provided some excellent ideas for you to make the season more enjoyable.

Beginning on page 10, we share our exploration of the St. Albert Artwalk, taking place on the first Thursday of each month in the summer. An ideal way to get to this unique visual arts event is by bike. And if you’re opting for two-wheel mobility, flip to page 20 for our roundup of some biking rules and tips.

While pedalling around, a great stop is the Farmers’ Market, where you can find some amazing consumables. We checked out a few vendors selling some choice ingredients and melded a few of them for some unique seasonal meals that are delicious, nutritious and very deserving of some profile on page 22.

T8N is a family-oriented magazine, although we realize parents occasionally need a little down time for themselves. If you have easy access to a babysitter, we provide some fun ideas for outings on page 30.

Meanwhile, kids too old to babysit are looking for more regular entry-level work this summer. As you’ll find out on page 6, that search for elusive employment is a challenge in itself.

Finally, enjoy the read and the beginning of summer.