February, 2018
2016 – 2017 Reader Survey results
April 20, 2017
Council recently rejected a proposal to include a capital project plebiscite on the fall ballot. Do you think the plebiscite should be on the ballot?
Yes 54%
No 46%
March 24, 2017
Who would you like to be St.Albert’s next mayor?
(top answers)
Tim Osborne & Marie Renaud
Runner up Cathy Heron
March 9, 2017
If the election were held today, would you vote for St.Albert’s councillors?
Wes Broadhead YES 55%, NO 45%
Cathy Heron YES 38%, NO 62%
Sheena Hughes YES 30%, NO 70%
Cam MacKay YES 31%, NO 69%
Tim Osborne YES 67%, NO 33%
Bob Russell YES 11 %, NO 89%
February 15, 2017
If the provincial election were held today, for whom would you vote?
Marie Renaud, NDP 81%
Nolan Crouse, Liberal 4%
Stephan Khan, 6%
Unnamed Wildrose, 7%
Other 2 %
Other included responses like, Unified conservative candidate, independent.
Would your vote change if Nolan Crouse were leader of the Liberals?
4% would be more inclined to vote for Mr. Crouse
5% would be less inclined to vote for Mr. Crouse
91% of votes would remain unchanged.
January 1, 2017
How much did you spend on Xmas gift this year?
Same as last year. 35%
Less than last year 55%
More than last year 10%
December 3, 2016
Do you intend to get a flu vaccine, this fall, for you or your family?
Yes, just me 21%
Just the kids 0%
Yes, all of us 38%
No, but my spouse has / will. 4%
No, none of us. 37%
October 4, 2016
Great, good compensation is deserved for this work. 21%
Okay, better to have a simple system than lessor salary and per diems 7%
Bad, per diem rewarded work, straight salary does not 29%
Bad, they are overpaid already 21%
Great for Mayor, not for councillors 0%
Great for councillors, not for mayor 0%
Other answers, 21 %, included
“Bad time for increases”
“They need to be more accountable, not better paid”
“They should be full time jobs”.
September 13, 2016
It is great, love traffic circles and it is great there. 24%
It is great, not a fan of traffic circles, but I love this one. 5%
Not so great, I like traffic circles, but why is it there? 14%
Not so great, traffic circles are evil? 5%
We spent what? on What? 52%
September 6, 2016
What do you think of Councillor Bob Russell’s emails to staff and fellow elected officials?
Unacceptable to treat people that way. 89%
Unacceptable to put such things in writing. 2%
Such comments should be presented face to face. 2%
Not got, but understandable given the circumstances. 5%
Fine, his job is to address these issues. 0%
Fine, staff and fellow councillors are accountable for their actions. 2%
August 30, 2016
Were you bothered by the recent explicit images / ads on the #stalbert hashtag on twitter?
Yes they were offensive 8%
Yes, they interfered with personal use of twitter 23%
Yes, they interfered with professional use of twitter 8%
No, I do not use twitter 31%
No, just more ads 23%
Other 8%
August 4, 2016
Does the imminent Canada Post Strike / Lock out affect or concern you?
Yes, I need it for personal mail 18%
Yes, my business needs regular mail services 9%
Yes, for both my business and my personal mail needs. 27%
No, who needs the mail service anymore?? 45%
July 4, 2016
Stop shipping at Walmart 17%
Use different payment method 17%
I do not shop at Walmart, so no effect 17%
I use a credit card, so no effect 17%
I use cash or debit, so no effect 17%
Who cares, a spat between massive corporations 17%
Wise and Appropriate move by City Council.. 68%
Terrible Move, he should not have been dismissed 0%
Not sure, do not know enough. 32%
May 18, 2016
Angle Parking 54%
Parallel Parking 39%
No Parking 7%
May 11, 2016
10 storeys and under 57%
11 – 20 storeys 29 %
21 – 30 storeys 14%
Over 31 storeys 0%
May 4, 2016
Should the City of St.Albert pursue a plan to have an LRT line?
Yes 40%
No 60%